This image shows the 5 mile radius that the SIP mandate allows for exercise. Clearly, I have not walked out the circle of safety, and when I look more closely, I must admit that I have not utilized much of the top right of my territory. I have made an executive decision that walking into the bay is a solid no, and to avoid run ins with park rangers, I will not trudge through the Crystal Springs Reservoir. However, in the days to come, I will traipse into parts unknown, San Carlos, perhaps even Belmont! Truth be told, I do actually know these towns, before this shut down, I would shop, dine, and do all the things people do in many of the downtowns in this area. Now, I will tour and slow down enough to see a different version of these well known places. Travelers on the Camino find charming villages, churches, communities along the way, my hometown version challenges me to find the treasures that I have been too busy, too distracted to see.