Neighborhood mascot!
After the enormous success of the Annual Stay at Home Camino Scavenger Hunt, it is time for the Friday Gratitude Game. There are no wrong answers, and spelling doesn't matter. Please post one thing, or two things or seven, you are grateful for as a comment. By this time, I hope I have communicated some of my reasons, now, tables are turned, share what brings joy , peace to you.
Just to get this game started, I will go first! Today was very warm and sunny,( gratitude item # 1), I was home. ( item # 2) most of the day, and ate lunch in backyard. My friend Janine ( #3) had surprised me a few days ago with a bag of oranges from her garden (#4), I cut up two of them, and they were my lunch dessert, and they were so dang good!
Be well, be safe, Buen Camino.
After the enormous success of the Annual Stay at Home Camino Scavenger Hunt, it is time for the Friday Gratitude Game. There are no wrong answers, and spelling doesn't matter. Please post one thing, or two things or seven, you are grateful for as a comment. By this time, I hope I have communicated some of my reasons, now, tables are turned, share what brings joy , peace to you.
Just to get this game started, I will go first! Today was very warm and sunny,( gratitude item # 1), I was home. ( item # 2) most of the day, and ate lunch in backyard. My friend Janine ( #3) had surprised me a few days ago with a bag of oranges from her garden (#4), I cut up two of them, and they were my lunch dessert, and they were so dang good!
Be well, be safe, Buen Camino.